Why choose GEM?

Developers and Main Contractors

Our core values put us in a good position to become a mediator for every claim or defect or complain. We are level headed and we are impartial to the problem encountered, dealing with the facts. We have a wide spectrum of experience and always do our best to determine if the problem was a defect from the original installation or due to deterioration and wear-and-tear.

First Council and New Management Corporation

If you have just bought your new property or set up your first Council, get your people to check through the nooks and crannies of the estate. Unseen, undetected, and unchecked places are favourite dumping grounds for irresponsible sub-contractors.  Rain and the accumulation of the initial debris and construction material can cause problems to all drainage pipes and floor traps. We will get the list of service contractors to check through their respective facilities and equipment. From their collective expertise and experience, they will highlight areas that need immediate attention or rectification. If the issue is a defect or problem due to the original installation, we shall request the developer or main contractor to rectify the list of defects. Once we get started on a good foundation, maintenance and operations will have less problems.

Curious or Suspicious?

Have you ever wondered how your money is being spent? Or how decisions are being made? You have the right to know, because it is your property, and you’re a stakeholder in the management corporation. With your consent, we can go through the audited accounts of your MCST together with you, and we will bring to your attention any potential red flags, or essential services that have not been provided for. Common problems are inflated head count, or overstated operational hours, which leads to paying more for less. If you wish, we can visit your premises and subsequently submit a proposal and quotation for your Council’s consideration. Upon appointment as Managing Agent, our top priority is to ensure a smooth handover and continuity in all existing services. We shall subsequently proceed to evaluate the contracts of all the service providers.

“Let us walk in the light of the LORD.”
– Isaiah 2:5